How Effective Are Those Diet Pills Today?

Diet pills are of a recent origin. The preceding generation was unaware of products such as these. In fact, back then the problem of obesity was not as widespread. If you talked to them about a product such as a diet pill, they would have given you a blank look. The advice from their side would have been to keep off from such pills. Instead, go for natural methods of dieting and physical exercise.

Before we pronounce a judgment on the efficacy of the advice, let us state that diet pills do not isolate individuals from dieting or physical exercise. They only accelerate the pace with which the benefits are received from dieting and physical exercise. Therefore, the older generation only views one aspect of the pills and not the whole. Therefore, it is not giving the entire picture.

Diet pills are safe for use. However, an important point to be noted while using the pill is that they are not for cosmetic use. You have to attend a friend’s marriage and you want to lose those extra pounds. Diet pills may not find use in such cases. These pills may be used only by the obese people. Obesity is not how you perceive yourself (if it is thus, then every woman will think of herself as obese). Obesity has been defined as having more than 30% of the ideal weight or Body Mass Index of 30 or more. Moreover, if obesity has resulted in any disease such as high blood pressure and heart problems, then these pills may be prescribed. Most of the diet pills are not recommended for children below the age of 16.

The diet pills may be classified into broadly two categories- prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs. Prescription drugs may not be used unless otherwise recommended by the doctor. In this category, popular diseases include Meridia and Xenical come.

In the case of over-the-counter diet pills, users can purchase directly from the chemist’s shop. No prescription of the doctor is required.

Diet pills with natural or herbal ingredients have emerged in recent decades. This is because of the popular belief that chemical drugs cause allergies. As compared to them, herbal diet pills are safer. In addition, their effects are more stable. While these are available in traditional chemist shops, one can also purchase them from health food and nutrition stores. Diet pills with herbal supplements will have written “all natural” on them.

Diet pills of different varieties work in different ways. Some work by suppressing the appetite. They affect the Hypothalamus in our brain, which regulates appetite. Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down fat. Prescription fat blockers act as lipase inhibitors and thus remove fat from the body instead of breaking it. A few diet pills affect appetite-related hormones. Ghrelin is blocked and the brain gets the signal that the stomach is full.

Diet pills are not entirely free from drawbacks. They have been associated with side effects such as cramping in the stomach, the formation of gas, and sometimes diarrhea. The user may also experience a rise in blood pressure and heart rate. The user is at greater risk of heart attack.

Nothing can compete with the natural remedies. Discipline in diet and physical exertion is always necessary, whatever diet pill one is using.